The economic project of José Gelbard.
Background and ideological influences of the Triennial Plan
Argentina, Perón, José Gelbard, social pact, economic project, triennial planAbstract
The present work is part of a thesis of Licenciatura en Historia of the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Given the continuing avatars that condition and hinder the performance of the Argentine economy, the possibility of reviewing the elements and objectives that characterized the economic project of José Ber Gelbard was raised, an economic model that did not have the approval of the sectors that they used to be favored with the government measures implemented. Experience showed that the greater approval of these sectors the model achieved, the greater the chances of impoverishment and postponement of the popular sectors. Therefore, it may be ventured that the greater the popular support, the more auspicious the result of a heterodox project may be. These already are issues that are of such interest that enable future research. The relevance and difficulties in the implementation of the Triennial Plan, or in some of its specific measures, were investigated, taking into account the different spheres that make up the Argentine economic system. The study focused on the context, background, and ideological references that permeated their assumptions. It was considered that their analysis could allow both the rescue of any of these if they were considered successful, as well as identifying the inadequacy of the execution of those who are foreshadowed as equivocal, unviable, or obsolete.
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