The research at UNLaM
A tour of 30 years
management, transfer, science, technologyAbstract
Thirty years after its creation, research at the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza reflects a planned and sustained growth, in line with the mission of promoting the development of research and contributing to the scientific, technological and cultural development of the nation by establishing a system of planning and development of teaching, learning, research and extension, to strengthen its commitment to the economic-social and cultural development of the Matanza and the region (Estatuto, 2003). In this work we give an account of the main actions that the scientific activities in the UNLaM launched, the growth stages, which have contributed to the strengthening of the research policies linked to the teaching tasks at the University. For this, we will resort to institutional reports, minutes and official documents that marked the progress towards what today constitute the three axes of work of the Secretaría de Ciencia y Tecnología: the management of science and technology, the training of human resources in research , and the linking and transfer of knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Nélida Pérez, David Gutiérrez, Ana Bidiña
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