The Normal School in Ciudad Evita
Historic heritage of La Matanza
This work forms part of a larger one destined to know from a historical perspective the subsystem of Higher Education of La Matanza, where the genesis of existing institutions and their subsequent evolution were studied. Here we chose the Normal School of Ciudad Evita, known today as the Higher Education Normal School Dr. Mariano Etchegaray, because of its epochal imprint and because it is considered part of the historical heritage of the district, not only because of its origins in the decade of the first Peronism but because it is part of the “garden town”, the first workers town in the country and because in its classrooms many events that are part of national history took place under a local color. With the methodology of historical research res gestae combined with techniques of oral history, several documentary sources, charts, commemorative plates, images and oral sources were looked upon. The results obtained offer a historical account that shows the Normal of Ciudad Evita is the first institution to train teachers in La Matanza, a question often hidden and / or denied, that must be inscribed in the so-called processes of “desperonizacion” that the district of La Matanza and its society underwent through the time.
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