Malvinas, between literature and history. Experiences on research at the higher education
commemoration, Malvinas war, pedagogical practices, literature, history, academic texts, Instituto Superior de Formación Docente n°82, Isidro Casanova, La Matanza, Buenos Aires province, ArgentinaAbstract
Various activities carried out within the framework of the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas war were part of an interdisciplinary and collective work in a higher institute for teacher training in the Buenos Aires suburbs. Among them, two pedagogical proposals developed in the chairs of Argentine History of the 20th century and Literary Theory II are born from an initial question: how to tell about the war? The dialogue between literature and history is based on a common premise: the story as a field of dispute over meaning. While the historiography of the recent past shows us that the "Malvinas question" is not exempt from tensions between narratives and counter-narratives, literature finds in the absurd and parody a strategy to stage the nonsense of a war. This interdisciplinary research experience, quite enriching, allowed the anchoring of theoretical knowledge, but, above all, the appropriation and circulation of knowledge generated from the higher education classroom, generating productions that swell, but also transcend daily pedagogical work and that deserves to be shared. In summary, to record a local educational practice, giving centrality to the dialogues between the situated and the national, gave the final setting to this presentation that rescues a pedagogical memory of the Instituto Superior de Formación Docente n ° 82 (Isidro Casanova, La Matanza).
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