The territorial insertion of the "Barrios de Pie" Movement in La Matanza (2003-2015)


  • Argentina Magdalena Starópole Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Escuela de Formación Continua, San Justo, Argentina



Barrios de Pie movement, neighborhoods, La Matanza, idleness, community tasks, citizen participation


The purpose of the present investigation was to analyze how the territorial insertion of the "Barrios de Pie" Movement was carried out in the La Matanza party during the governments of presidents Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for the realization of the Thesis in History at the UNLaM. For this we proceed to the bibliography approach on the social and economic consequences derived from the application of neoliberal policies in Argentina and La Matanza. Authors were consulted who investigated the emergence of social movements in Buenos Aires, their relations with political power and their strategies of confrontation in the public space. Our sources came from semi-structured interviews with militants and referents of the "Barrios de Pie" Movement in La Matanza and from participation in meetings, milk cups and mobilizations in the party. Thus, we were able to deepen our knowledge of the tools used by the organization to maintain its presence in the Matanzas territory during the reference period. The results achieved allowed us to demonstrate that "Barrios de Pie" focused on the realization of community tasks in the neighborhoods seeking the recovery of the work culture among the unemployed neighbors and also in providing them with a social and political space for the exercise of citizen participation.


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Barrios de Pie. Recuperado de

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La Matanza and its history

How to Cite

The territorial insertion of the "Barrios de Pie" Movement in La Matanza (2003-2015). (2018). Antigua Matanza, 2(4), 22-71.