
The editorial team of Antigua Matanza recommends adhering to the formal recommendations before submitting an article. At the same time, it recommends reading the Guide for the preparation and submission of the manuscript, a supplementary document to the guidelines provided to the authors below.


Commitment to originality

It is desirable that an original investigation or with significant advances of the initial production be presented. If this is the case, the research of origin must be clearly indicated, as well as its degree or percentage of innovation. It is advisable to avoid the presentation of repetitive research, that is, the elaboration of articles with the use of data or complete paragraphs (textual or paraphrased) of previous works without correctly referencing the origin and without showing progress in relation to the initial problems. proposed.

The proposal of a manuscript implies a commitment by the author to be submitting an original document and that it has not been sent nor will it be sent to other publications while it is in the review process. Ignoring this commitment entails the risk that it will be published more than once, and undermines the quality of scientific production.

Online Submissions

Sending through the Send an article block of the OJS manager is temporarily suspended for technical reasons. Those interested in submitting their manuscript can do so through the email The author will not pay fees for submitting articles, reviewing, processing, evaluating or publishing their article.

The file must be sent in Spanish, in word format (.doc, .docx) or similar.

The properties of the file that cause any inconvenience must be eliminated to carry out the evaluation of the article in a double-blind system. Inside the document, the author's name and institutional affiliation should not be stated. These data must be included in a submission template that will be delivered via email to those interested in submitting an article.

The template must be loaded with the title, abstract and keywords in Spanish and English. The author must also include a full name and surname, institutional affiliation, abbreviated cv and ORCID (optional).

Along with the article, an application letter must be sent, of which the model is attached: Download

Author Guidelines

Together with the article, a letter of application must be sent.

Articles can be applied for the different sections, taking into account that they must be original productions, which have not been previously published or are in the process of being reviewed by any other magazine.

The author must indicate at the beginning of the submission for which of the sections of the journal it is intended and complete the guidelines detailed below.

a) Language

The publication language of the magazine is Spanish. The manuscript will be received in that language.
The author will also provide the title, abstract and keywords in English.

b) Structure of the original

The manuscript must respond to a standard structure, appropriate to the type of document requested in each section.

When it comes to research products, you must have a title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and reference. Although it is not necessary to present all the titles and subtitles, it is recommended to perform them to provide clarity to the exhibition.

In the case of reviews, the use of argumentative texts of continuous style is customary. It should be borne in mind that in addition to a summary, it is expected that an objective criticism of the content, the specification of the historiographic field of product membership, and the contributions or novelties it provides will be included.

In the case of postulating a state of the matter, an argumentative text is expected for the bibliographic review around a particular problem or topic. The use of subtitles in its structuring is recommended.

c) Identification of the article (title and subtitle)

The following recommendations are made for the construction of these identification elements.

Do not use the capital letter for your writing, it is appropriate to include the capital letter only at the beginning of the sentence, and then continue in lower case (except in cases where the basic rule of capitalization should be applied).

The inclusion of descriptors in the title writing is recommended, preferably from a thesaurus covering the subject matter.

The use of abbreviations or acronyms should be avoided.

Title and subtitle must be provided by the author in Spanish and English.

d) Summary

The abstract must be provided by the author in Spanish and English.

About its inclusion in the sections. The presentation of a summary is mandatory in the first five sections, except in the sixth and seventh sections, although its inclusion is recommended if the article being submitted is a state of the matter.

Structure. It must contain the objective of the study carried out (including if necessary the topic defined in space and time and the source or source of research funding), the methodology and sources, and the results (indicating the limitations or findings made) and conclusions.

Extension. It is recommended that it be presented in a single paragraph, with a maximum length of 250 words.

e) Keywords

They must be significant terms that facilitate automated recovery.

They should be, as far as possible, descriptors that come from a thesaurus or taxonomy.

The controlled vocabularies recommended by the editorial team are SKOS, a UNESCO thesaurus, and the vocabulary of Argentine and American History developed by the Ravignani Institute library.

The use of abbreviations or acronyms should be avoided.

Keywords must be provided in Spanish and English by the authors.

f) Document format and typographic style

The text format must be presented in a uniform manner, respecting the indications made below. They must be verified before sending the manuscript.

Page size and margins. A4 size page, with margins of 2.54 centimeters throughout the sheet.

Page numbering. The pages will be numbered consecutively.

Paragraph separation and spacing. 2.0 spacing. There should be no space between paragraphs.

Hierarchy of titles and format. 

Heading 1: Centered Bold, 16 pts.

Heading 2: Centered Bold, 14 pts.

Heading 3: Aligned to the left, bold, 14 pts.

g) Size, font, and style of the document

Titles and subtitles. Times New Roman, 12 pts. The average length should be between 7 and 14 words.

Abstract. You will find the heading with the title: Abstract, centered and bold. The abstract text should be a single paragraph aligned to the left, without indentation, double spaced.

Times New Roman font, size 12 pts.

Keywords. This title will follow below the summary, with double line spacing and indentation 1.25 centimeters, with bold and two points. Immediately, the list of terms will be indicated with a comma and without an end point.

Times New Roman font, size 12 pts.

Work Corps. Times New Roman font, size 12 pts. 2.0 spacing. There should be no space between paragraphs. First line sangria: 1.25 cm.

A clear and continuous style should be used in the writing. Avoid using specific adjectives or pronouns for the sexes, and the texts must be written in the first person of the plural or in impersonal.

It is recommended to check spelling and grammar of all text before submission, consistent use of upper and lower case letters, and punctuation rules.

The use of italics is recommended to emphasize or highlight a concept, a term in a foreign language or the title of a book, literary work, film, painting, etc. In no case should quotes, bold or underline be used.

There must be a unique correlation between the appointment and the reference list, through the method of the first element and date, and following the format of the American Psychological Association (APA) according to its 7th Edition.

The footnotes will only be clarifying, in no case should it contain bibliographic references.

Illustrations, photographs and graphics will be included as under the heading of figures. Every table with columns and rows is considered a table.

Tables and figures will be added in the text, correctly numbered, with title or heading as appropriate. Every object included must be mentioned in the body of the article.

Tables and figures. Letter Times New Roman, letter 10 pts. The line spacing of texts in tables and figures is simple.

All tables must be headed with the number and name of the table, and finalized with a table note. The numbering must be continuous.

Every figure must contain at the bottom of it: number and figure note. The numbering must be continuous.

Notes. At the bottom of the page, correctly numbered, Times New Roman, size 10. Simple line spacing.
Footnotes will be included only if necessary, for further information and never for bibliographic references.

List of references. Under the title of References the list will be included in alphabetical order, with French indentation, and in Times New Roman, 12 pts.

It must be ensured that the included hyperlinks are active when building such a list.

h) Standards for citation and references

Explanation of editorial policy in relation to list of references and citations. Bibliographic references will not be included in the footnote or at the end of the text.

There must be a unique correlation between the quotation in the text and the reference list, through the method of the first element and date.

These quotes in the text must correspond 100% with the list included at the end of the work as references. (No document that has not been cited in the text should appear in the list; no document that has appeared as an appointment in the text should be missing from the list).

Explanation of the citation style of the magazine. Antigua Matanza uses the American Psychological Association (APA) standard according to its 7th Edition for citations and references. Preparation guide, download here.

Standardization of information about the author

Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of recent submissions.

a) Editing the information of the author (s)

It must include surnames and names, institutional affiliation, a curriculum vitae of no more than four lines.

The inclusion of the author's ORCID is positively considered.

This information should be edited in the loading template space in the OJS dedicated to the authors.

b) Standardization of institutional affiliation

It is mandatory to use the full name of the institution of belonging (not include acronyms), and must present the following structure: Main institution, subordinate agency, city and country. If you have double institutional affiliation, you must indicate the information of each one separately.

Ex: Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, Departamento de Ciencias Económicas, San Justo, Argentina.

If you do not have affiliation, you must indicate "independent worker" or equivalent, city and country.

Ex: Independent researcher, San Justo, Argentina.

c) Generation of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)

The generation of a unique identifier ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is positively considered.

The generation of this code can be done for free.

Registration is individual through the page:

Checklist for shipment preparation

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements listed below. Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to authors.

1. It has not been published previously, nor has it been nominated for another magazine simultaneously.

2. It is prepared with a word processor of the Word type.

3. Contains web addresses for references where possible.

4. The typeface is A4 (21.0 x 29.7 cm).

5. Institutional affiliation has been correctly entered.

6. It is fully adapted to the guidelines for authors.

7. The author has read and knows the editorial policies adopted by Antigua Matanza, a regional history magazine.

Supporting Data for Research

The Author commits to making the supporting data of the research and its deposition available in accordance with Law No. 26.899 on Institutional Digital Repositories of Open Access. In the event that, for justified reasons, this is not possible, it will be requested that the raw data resulting from the research work on which the submitted article is based be included in a personal repository.

Such data must be available for review by the referees, should they need to verify whether the analyses and conclusions indeed derive from this information in the article.

In the event of not having a personal repository, and upon explicit demand by the Author, the journal Antigua Matanza will provide a space for the preservation of the data.

Copyright notice

The author / authors authorize the journal to disseminate their research in printed and/ or electronic format. At the same time, they commit themselves from the moment they are sent to not postulate the writing to another journal or publication.

The authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.

The author / authors can archive the post-print (the final version, product of the peer review) or editor version / PDF in an institutional or other repository of their choice. This editorial policy on accessibility and archive of Antigua Matanza can be verified in Malena.

The magazine adheres to the Creative Commons license for open access journals:

Licencia de Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) 

You are free to share and adapt the material, as long as you do it in the following terms:

Attribution: You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. 

NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth in it.

Errata and retractions

Discussions and corrections after the publication of an article: In the event of finding important errors in an already published text, the author must promptly notify the Director and the Editorial Committee with a message. The correction will be made by publishing an errata or notice; or if necessary it will be removed from the Antigua Matanza magazine website.

Update date: July 2024.