Editorial Policies

Antigua Matanza privileges scientific rigor and transparency in the development of the entire editorial process. To this end, it makes the Good Practices Manual generated available to the community with the intention of making this work visible and promoting orderly actions and clear and verifiable guidelines for action for all parties involved. It can be accessed by clicking on the cover image below (Spanish version).

Notice: The Editorial Policies Committee is in the process of reviewing the Good Practices Manual for updating and improvement purposes.

Focus and scope

It is a publication of the Junta de Estudios Históricos of the Secretaría de Extensión Universidad of the Universidad Nacional de La Matanza (UNLaM), which emerged with the aim of disseminating scientific knowledge in the area of History; dabbling within it, in the specific field of regional history.

The publication is presented as an academic journal with immediate open access to the entire community, with a biannual frequency. The articles that will be read by the editorial committee to verify compliance with the editorial regulations and evaluated by the scientific committee, based on a double blind reference system to decide on the academic quality and originality of the ideas raised by the authors .

The magazine is intended for the following reader profile: history and geography professors of medium and higher level; students of the Higher Institutes of Teacher Training of social science careers; university students and professionals in the humanities and social sciences; researchers; heritage professionals; members of sociocultural institutions at the local and regional level; and neighbors centered in associations, interested in the defense of cultural and natural heritage.

Publication frequency

The magazine publishes its numbers semiannually. The first of the numbers corresponds to the period from June 20 to December 19 of the current year; the second number corresponds to the period from December 20 of the current year to June 19 of next year.

The publication of the contents of the scientific journal is carried out at the beginning of the period, respecting the defined frequency.

Publication language

The publication language of the magazine is Spanish. The manuscript will be received in that language. The author will also provide the title, abstract and keywords in English.

Originality Requirement

It is desirable that an original investigation be presented or with significant advances in the initial production. If this is the case, the original investigation and the degree or percentage of innovation of this should be clearly indicated. It is advisable to avoid the presentation of repetitive investigations, that is, the elaboration of the articles with the use of data or complete paragraphs (textual or paraphrased) of previous works without corresponding reference to the origin, and without showing progress in relation to the proposed initial problems.


Antigua Matanza, presents seven permanent sections, with particular and delimited objectives in each of them.

At the time of postulating his writing, the author must take into account that the order of each section in the table of contents of the journal is unalterable from one number to another, and that the allowed extension of the articles is presented according to the objective of each one of her. It is noted that the editorial team may suggest the publication of the article in a different section than the one postulated.

Following each section, the scope of each section, the types of academic writings that can be applied and the maximum length are detailed.

Section 1: Historical Inquiries

Scope. Original products framed within regional history. (You must specify the region that is part of your object of study).

Types of writings. Presentation of results, reports or scientific communications, linked to a research project. It will be necessary to identify where and for what the research that originated the article was carried out (indicating code if it had one).

The structure of the document must correspond to the standard structure of an article (title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and list of references).

Extension. 12,500 words.

Manuscript evaluated in pairs.

Section 2: La Matanza and its history

Scope. It is intended for works whose object of study is related to the La Matanza party and local history.

Types of writings. Presentation of results, reports or scientific communications, linked to a research project. It will be necessary to identify where and for what the research that originated the article was carried out (indicating code if it had one).

The structure of the document must correspond to the standard structure of an article (title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and list of references).

Extension. 12,500 words.

Manuscript evaluated in pairs.

Section 3: Imago Mundi

Scope. This section will integrate review articles and essays that investigate the macro-region, thinking about this image of the world from a local perspective.

Types of writings. Presentation of results, reports or scientific communications, linked to a research project. It will be necessary to identify where and for what the research that originated the article was carried out (indicating code if it had one).

The structure of the document must correspond to the standard structure of an article (title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and list of references).

Extension:  11,000 words.

Manuscript evaluated in pairs.

Section 4: Our Legacy

Scope. This section is intended for works related to heritage, historical culture and memory from a regional or local approach.

Types of writings. Presentation of results, reports or scientific communications, linked to a research project. It will be necessary to identify where and for what the research that originated the article was carried out (indicating code if it had one).

The structure of the document must correspond to the standard structure of an article (title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and list of references).

Extension: 11,000 words. Manuscript evaluated in pairs.

Section 5: Sources as protagonists

Scope. The abandonment of the predominance of written documentation and the extension of what is considered sources for Historical Science caused a renewal in the studies of historical phenomena. This section proposes to focus on the methodological uses and deconstruction of these sources, around issues defined at the regional level.

Types of writings. Communications and scientific reports are included.

The structure of the document must correspond to the standard structure of an article (title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and list of references).

Extension: 11,000 words.

Manuscript evaluated in pairs.

Section 6: Recommended history readings

Scope. Bibliographic or historiographic news of recent appearance, related to history and regional scale.

Types of writings. Reviews or states of the issue.

Extension: 3,000 words for reviews, and 10,000 words for the states of the issue.

Section 7: Bibliographic Alert

Scope. Bibliographic or historiographical news of the area of La Matanza, of recent appearance or that due to its reduced circulation nature, its value can be considered significant.

Types of writings. Reviews or states of the question.

Extension: 3,000 words for reviews, and 10,000 words for the states of the question.

Thematic dossier

Outstanding inclusion, in the event that the editorial board of Antigua Matanza decides to incorporate, together with the permanent sections, a thematic dossier, the delivery conditions, thematic and evaluation forms will be published in the notices section and in the Dossier section respectively. To submit articles in it, the author must follow the online submission mechanism and respond to the technical indications included in this author's guide.

Scope. Linked to regional or local history, putting the axis in some subject that is of interest to the scientific community in a particular context.

Types of writings. Communications and scientific reports are included.

The structure of the document must correspond to the standard structure of an article (title, summary, keywords, introduction, background, sources and methodology used, presentation of results, discussion or analysis, conclusion and list of references).

Extension: At the time of opening the call to the dossier, the maximum number of words or characters in the document will be specified.

Peer Evaluation Process

Manuscripts nominated for the first five sections will be submitted for evaluation.

Only the nominated articles will be sent to the external evaluators that make up the scientific committee, when they comply with the instructions to the authors included in the Submissions section.

The articles will be reviewed under the double-blind system, that is, in the evaluation mechanism the evaluator will not know who the author is, nor vice versa.

The evaluation must conform to the form provided by Antigua Matanza (here). The evaluation criteria are the following:

  • Presentation. The coherence and cohesion of the writing.
  • Ethics. The contributions in the writing appear adequately detailed and the sources of information used are detailed.
  • Originality and relevance. The article presents a pertinent and original discussion in relation to the research topic.
  • Erudition. The bibliography used is considered adequate and updated.
  • Methodological validity. The manuscript presents valid data and an adequate and pertinent methodological instrument. The use of theory is sufficient and adequate.
  • Presentation of results achieved. The conclusions reached correspond to the data and analysis carried out.

The result of the peer review may be:

  • Satisfactory. The article is suitable for publication.
  • Satisfactory with observations. The article is approved for publication, after modification of the observations indicated by the evaluator.
  • Not satisfactory. The article is not suitable for publication.

The reviewer's resolution is communicated through a message to the author of the article. If the article has been accepted, the Editorial Committee makes the style corrections that are deemed pertinent and the author is informed that he passes to the Finalization of the manuscript management.

In the event that you must incorporate modifications, all the indications are sent and you are requested to send it again. The Editorial Committee must be attentive to collaborate in any difficulty that may arise for the author regarding this instance.

If the writing was rejected, the author is informed of the result and the justification.

The referees do not make the final decision on which articles are published and which ones are outside the publication, it is the Editorial Committee who, in the last instance, makes the decision and is responsible to the community for the publication.

Conflict of interests

The reasons that generate them may be different, for example, conflicting institutional links or be related to the financing of the research from which the article originates or when any of the parties has a certain interest, belief or ethical practices that they believe may affect their objectivity. or perspective to influence your final decisions. In such cases, the director and/or editorial team of the journal must be notified immediately.

The reviewer must also declare himself unable to give his opinion, honestly, when he knows the work very well, either because he has participated, even tangentially, in it, or does not previously agree with the writing for some professional or personal reason, or simply because acknowledges that there is some closeness with the author.

If you have doubts regarding an assumption that could be a possible conflict of interest with respect to the manuscript, you must inform the Editorial Committee of the reasons why said inconveniences could arise and wait for their resolution.

However, if you do not agree with the answer and you prefer, you can opt out of the assessment.

Manuscript management process

A manuscript is considered to be in the editorial process from the moment it is received by the Editorial Committee until it is put online or rejected. This instance will have a maximum duration of six (6) months.


Año Cantidad de números Cantidad de artículos publicados Cantidad de artículos rechazados
2017 2 14  
2018 2 15  
2019 2 21 1
2020 2 14 1













Composition of the scientific journal

Homogeneity is promoted in terms of the number of articles published, except in cases where the Editorial Committee decides to include a thematic dossier.

Antigua Matanza magazine is committed to publishing one article per section in each issue. It is hoped that 70% of the articles in each issue have at least one author from outside the publishing institution.

At least 75% of the contents are original products of scientific research as well as significant original contributions to the area of ​​the journal, including what is published in the bibliographic alert section.

Open Access Policy

This magazine provides immediate open access to its content, when managed through the Open Journal Systems 3.3.

Under no circumstances will access be paid by the user. The author will not pay fees for the submission of articles, nor for their publication.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. 

Copyright Policy

Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

1. The authors retain the copyright and assign to the journal the right of first publication for its distribution in printed and/or electronic format, as well as its incorporation in the databases, indexes or repositories to which it is adhered, affiliated or including the journal.
2. The published work will be registered and published with the Creative Commons non-commercial attribution license, which allows third parties to use the published work as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this journal.
3. Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal, provided that they clearly indicate that the work was first published in this journal.

Reuse Policy

The magazine adheres to the Creative Commons license for open access journals:

Licencia de Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) 

You are free to share and adapt the material, as long as you do it in the following terms:

Attribution: You must give proper credit and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but in no manner that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

NonCommercial: You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

ShareAlike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Code of ethics

Editorial actions and decisions are framed in the guidelines given as fundamental practices by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which aims to strengthen and monitor good editorial practices and safeguard the ethical behaviors of scientific serials.

Plagiarism Detection Policies

The magazine seeks to avoid plagiarism and autoplagium, first indicating to the author that he undertakes at the time of sending, by postulating an unpublished and original text, without containing results published in other articles without the corresponding reference.

Then, through a paragraph-by-paragraph review, it is checked that there is no content already published without the proper authorship reference.

Procedure to adopt when detecting possible plagiarism

The Director will convene a meeting of the Editorial Committee to discuss, investigate and analyze the evidence presented and seek a resolution to the ethical misconduct. If the editorial team decides that the fault is not serious, the author will be summoned to discuss and receive an explanation regarding the situation presented.

In the event that the Director and the Editorial Committee decide to carry out a larger investigation, the author will always have the opportunity to respond to the complaint made against him. The entire process will be carried out with the utmost confidentiality.

If it is determined that the author has committed a serious offense such as plagiarism, simultaneous submissions, duplicate publication, authorship disputes, etc., one of the following actions may be taken as decided by the Director with the Editorial Committee:
a. Notify the institution(s) of institutional affiliation of the author that supports the research and/or its funding entities.
b. Send a letter to the author(s) indicating the lack of ethical conduct, as a precedent for good behavior in the future.
c. Publish an editorial in the magazine that relates the incorrect action, evidencing the evidence collected in the investigation process.
d. Correct or modify errors, or, if necessary, remove the article from the virtual page of the journal.
e. Notify the author that he will not be able to publish in the Antigua Matanza Magazine for the time that it is resolved.
F. Publicly expose the bad ethical practice in the media that are considered necessary.

Interoperability protocol

Antigua Matanza uses the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocol for the transmission of metadata on the Internet. Includes level metadata, which is encoded in Dublin Core.


Preservation policy

Use the LOCKSS  (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to create a secure and permanent archive of the magazine. LOCKSS is an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library and allows libraries to keep selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect new published content and archive it. Each file is continuously validated with records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the same magazine.

In addition to guarantee a permanent and secure archive for the magazine, the CLOCKSS system is used. It is based on the open source software LOCKSS developed at the Stanford University Library, which allows libraries to keep their chosen web journals by regularly checking the websites of registered journals for recently published content and archiving it. Each file is constantly validated against other library cache memories and, if it is detected that the content has been corrupted or lost, the other cache memories or the magazine are used to restore it.

Similarly, the editorial team develops various processes aimed at guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the digital objects that it hosts on its platform:

Digital preservation metadata.
Use of DOI (Crossref).

The files published in this magazine are available in easily reproducible formats (pdf, html and xml-jats).

Indexed and registered in

Latindex catálogo 2.O, Road, Actualidad Iberoamericana, Dialnet, Redib, UlrichsWeb, Malena, Doaj, ErihPlus, Miar, Clase - Biblat

Antigua Matanza is attached to the following networks:

LatinRev, Latinoamericana.

Antigua Matanza is also present in: 

Google Scholar, Repositorio Digital UNLaM, Base, Zenodo, Academia.edu.

Update date: November, 2023